Node Configuration Instructions
28 Aug 2016Plug the node into the lighting network and write down the ip address taped to the side of the node
On a Mac:
Open System Preferences
Go to the Network Preferences page
Move to the “Auditorium” Wi-Fi network
Click on Advanced
Go to the TCP/IP page
In the drop down menu where it says “Configure IPv4” select “Manually”
Give the computer an ip address of (or another ip address within the lighting network but not used by an entity on that network)
Give the computer a Subnet Mask of
Click OK and then click Apply
Open Firefox
Type in the ip address of the node where you would enter a web address + /mini/
For example, if the ip address is, you would type in
There are only a few things that you should be changing in this screen, depending upon what you are configuring the node to do:
You can change whether the ports (DMX A and DMX B) output or input DMX by going to their respective pages within this screen by clicking on them and then selecting DMX in from the drop-down menu
You can change what DMX universe (set of 512 DMX channels–usually we’ll just be using universes one and two to give the hall a total of 1024 addressable channels of lighting control) each port corresponds to by changing the “Netslot” field value of each port along the bottom of the window.
To put a DMX port (A or B) in Universe 1, enter “1” for the “Netslot”. For Universe 2, you would enter 513 for the “Netslot”
If you reconfigure the node, make sure to change the label for each DMX port to reflect what it is doing (i.e. if you configure a port to be DMX in second universe, change the label to IN U2).
Click Update to update the node with the changes you made. The password is 2606. Go back to the DMX A and DMX B pages to make sure the desired changes held.
After reconfiguring the node, reboot the node by unplugging it from the lighting network and plugging it back in.
You’re done! To make your computer connect to the regular internet again, go back to the Configure IPv4 drop down menu in system preferences and change it back to “Using DHCP” and apply the changes.
Be sure to reconfigure the node to default (for output nodes, outputting universes 1 and 2 from their respective DMX ports) when striking the show.